Saturday, April 14, 2012

Twins born 8 days apart

A lot can happen in 8 days.
My story, By Amy Hobson

It all started on my birthday, Sept. 23 2003.
I was 6 months pregnant with twins.  I was spotting so I went to the hospital. For precautionary sake they gave me a shot to help the twins lungs develop quicker just in case they came early.   They also gave me an exam.   I was not dilated at all so everything seemed fine and I went home.
            Three days later September 26th at about 3:00 am I went into mild labor then around 5 it got harder (but never that hard).   We went to the hospital but by that time the labor had stopped. I was about to go home but the doctor told the nurse to check how far I was dilated. I was an 8. The nurse went and consulted the doctor then came in and told me "these babies are coming now"!
            Of course I burst into uncontrollable crying, expecting both babies to die. I was 25 weeks along 1 week less than 6 months.  I don't even remember what Adam was doing or that my sister-in-law who worked in the hospital had come and went was in my room for hours. I just remember the crying.
            Adam had several guys he worked with come over (they were right by the hospital) and give me a blessing. I don't even know what was said or who was there. 
            Shortly after that they wheeled me back to deliver the babies. (Where I stopped crying and could comprehend most everything that was going on. I also felt like something, I didn't know what, was going to happen to Sebastian and I needed to be ready for it.)  
            The hospital had been waiting for a preemie specialist to come over from  UofU hospital to deliver my babies. It was around 11:00am. I guess my doctor called him I'm not sure exactly how he came to be there.  
            Adam and I went into an operating room where they did some ultra sounds.  Victoria's placenta had abrupted  so she had to be delivered now but Sebastian's was fine.   I was still not having any contractions at this point. They had given me an epidural at some point I don't remember when. So the specialist doctor posed a possibility to us. We could deliver Victoria now and stitch up my cervix and keep Sebastian in as long as he would stay in there or deliver them both now.. It was up to us.
            Let me tell you a little background info leading up to this moment. This specialist doctor is the only doctor in Utah who has ever done this procedure called "delayed birth". It had never been done in this hospital before. About a week earlier my sister had been watching a baby story about delayed birth and told me about it so I was somewhat familiar with it. The doctor also told me that if it came to it they might have to do an emergency C section with no pain meds.  
            I felt a strong yes and so did Adam.  They delivered Victoria I don't know if they gave me drugs to go into labor or what, all I know is they asked me to push a few times and out she came and was whisked away to the NICU.
             Then the real fun started!   They stitched up my cervix. I guess the specialist left my OB with some instructions to care for me because I never saw the specialist again.
            The next day I started having contractions so they started me on some crazy medicine. I can't even remember what's it's called but it's horrible stuff.
            The first day Victoria was out of my stomach Sebastian just kept swimming around in my stomach it was weird. Ok, this crazy medicine (it was supposed to stop contractions), they put me on it and the next morning I couldn't even move and I guess all my vitals were pretty low because a bunch of people came in and they were giving me all sorts of meds and looking really worried (this actually happened twice ). Finally I could move again and I was starting to have more contractions by now.  They kept coming in and giving me shots to stop them.
            One night while I was dead asleep because of a sleeping pill, the nurse couldn't wake me up to tell me she was giving me a shot (to stop more contractions) so she started slapping me in the face. So I woke up to a nurse slapping me just to tell me she was giving me a shot. Crazy!!!
            I was pretty much drugged up, mad (the medicine made me mad the whole time)  and in labor for 8 days. During that time I saw Victoria once. They had to wheel me in on my bed because I wasn't allowed to get up.  It was very exhausting  just to lay there.
            On October 4  I was having contractions as usual. Adam was there and I think Jen my sister.  The contractions were getting really hard.  Adam went to get the nurse, when  she came in,  "I was yelling that this baby was coming out NOW"!!!!  To which she was telling me it was impossible because I was stitched closed. I figured at this point that I would be having an emergency C section with no pain meds.   Sebastian settled that by just tearing through my cervix and coming out right on the bed, still in his sack. (the doctor said it was good he was in his sack because it absorbed a lot of the impact on his head) To which the nurse just stood there open mouthed gaping at him and me swearing my head off for her to do SOMETHING!!!!!  
            What seemed like an eternity later she told another nurse to get her some sterile scissors to cut open his sack then after that someone finally decided to call the NICU.  By the time they came in I figured Sebastian was dead.  The NICU nurse said she would never forget the look on my face. I don't know what it looked like but I'm sure it wasn't good.
            They stitched me back up and when I finally had the ok to stand again. I took a two hour shower and tried to make some sense of what happened for the last 8 days.
            Oh yea I forgot to mention that right after Sebastian was born I guess a bunch of family members were out in the hall and Adam went out there and was trying to tell everyone what just went down but was not making any sense whatsoever.        
            There you go all you curious minds, that is why Victoria and Sebastian are born 8 days apart and in different months. I have to say Adam and I feel like Sebastian would have died had he not stayed in my womb that extra 8 days. I feel like Heavenly Father and the  Holy Ghost prepared us for that moment and for taking care of Sebastian.
            Sebastian has Cerebral Palsy for any number of reasons. Being born  3 months early and being a boy. Traumatic birth. Being deprived of oxygen at birth. Any or all of those could have been the reason. We just feel lucky to have both of them!

Victoria Marie Hobson. Born September 26th 2003 weighing 1lb. 12 oz. 14 inches long
Charles "Sebastian" Hobson born October 4th 2003 weighing 1lb. 12 oz. 14 inches long.

I wrote this because I tell this story over and over, so now I don't need to tell it anymore. Feel free to share it with whomever you want. 

Those care bears are key chains


Sebastian coming home